I suppose there is no point in spicing up your blog if you get no
visitors.Getting your blog noticed is not an easy task but there are
steps you can take to give your blog a push in the right direction.
Remember you need to keep posting to your blog, this is one of the most used phrases but 'content is king'.Try to publish a post once a day or at least five time a week if you are posting more than once a day try leave a gap between the posting times.
Remember you need to keep posting to your blog, this is one of the most used phrases but 'content is king'.Try to publish a post once a day or at least five time a week if you are posting more than once a day try leave a gap between the posting times.
- Submit your blog to search engines
- Get a feedburner for your blog :
- Join and submit you blog to Blog Directories :
- Leave your link :
- Traffic Exchange
- Press Release
- Tell your friends online on offline !
- Leave your blog link at the foot of all your Emails.
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